CEF Group

Renewable Energy

CEF is well known as a trendsetter in India in the field of Renewable Energy. CEF Works in the field of processing various kinds of waste to useful forms like Bio-fuel / Organic Manure / Power / Compost etc.

CEF is on its way to bring ideas in reality as first set of seven plants is under execution. We have occur a pipeline of 35 projects that are being setup in seven different states and gradually the mark shall be seen pan India.


Today CEF comes with vast knowledge on technical, commercial and social aspects that are required to be considered while implementing the project along with risk mitigation at the core. At CEF we plan to contribute to the worldly goals of reducing carbon emissions and increasing green footprints to stand tall with important missions of government like Swatch Bharat Mission or Clean India Movement.

CEF earnestly believes in basic fundamental business principles, which have continuous improvements as our moral obligations. We pledge for development, growth and innovation based on basic values of vital business ethics, which are dedication, sincerity, honesty and commitment.


Green pointer shows Projects Under Progress, Yellow pointer shows 15 plants planned for executing in next 3 years and Orange pointer shows mapped various other projects