Green Jobs

Workshop on Green Jobs
Green Finance & Skill India
Global research and practical experiences from a range of countries provide growing evidence that greening economies could be a means to create more and betters jobs in sectors and activities that reduce energy and materiel consumption; minimize waste and pollution; limit greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impact; or protect and restore ecosystems – in other words, green and decent jobs.
Green jobs are decent jobs that contribute to preserve or restore the environment, be they in traditional sectors such as manufacturing and construction, or in new, emerging green sectors such as renewable energy and energy efficiency. Green jobs help: Improve energy and raw materials efficiency.
Bioenergy has taken a major part of the global energy consumption from renewable with 50% of renewable energy coming from modern bionergy sources as per IEA. Bioenergy in final energy consumption needs to double by 2030 and biofuels in transport needs to treble to achieve present energy consumption trends. As per IEA, modern bioenergy will continue to lead renewable growth in the next five years and its untapped potential remains huge particularly in India.
However, understanding the labour market dynamics is critical in terms of the shifts in the volume, composition and quality of employment across sectors; the levels and distribution of income; and how to ensure that jobs created are green and decent are important policy issues. Addressing these issues and challenges is fundamental for a green economy to really hold promises of a new and more inclusive path of growth and development leading to jobs, and income, particularly for the vulnerable and marginalized groups.
STAT (Sustainable Alternative Towards Affordable Transportation) scheme on Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) was launched on 1.10.2018. The scheme Govt. of India envisages to target 5000 plants by 2023, which means 5200 direct employment while 5200 indirect employment in the green jobs sector which means 5 to 10 lac direct or indirect employment would come into existence in the next 5 years.
To fulfill gap of the skilled man power in the sector we need to train them so that they can work effectively and efficiently. Bal Bharti Academy wishing the same and we wish to train 100 batches of each category in 4 skills within the in 2 years time frame across India in total 12,000 manpower trained.